Meighan O'Toole, Director of Operations
This episode features Meighan O'Toole discussing knowledge management and productivity. She shares her journey from physical notebooks to digital tools like Notion, highlighting how proper knowledge management can empower teams and reduce micromanagement. She emphasizes using tools like Cleft for brain dumps and creating systems that maintain humanity while improving efficiency. The conversation explores themes of mutual flourishing, leadership, and creating healthy workplace systems that benefit everyone.
Meighan's Links:
Meighan's Links:
David Pierce of The Verge's Installer Newsletter (aka how Meighan found Cleft):
"The best Al voice notes I've tried, period"
Also, on The Vergecast
Angela Bierman's episode of Speak Easy & her exploration of "Brain Dump" as a phrase on LinkedIn
Daniel Pink the author of "Drive", not Pink "the singer."
Brené Brown's Dare to Lead and THE BEST PDF ON THE INTERNET
Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass
"The best Al voice notes I've tried, period"
Also, on The Vergecast
Angela Bierman's episode of Speak Easy & her exploration of "Brain Dump" as a phrase on LinkedIn
Daniel Pink the author of "Drive", not Pink "the singer."
Brené Brown's Dare to Lead and THE BEST PDF ON THE INTERNET
Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass